Monday, July 27, 2009

AIB Alternative Processing


Ziatype (negative of mountains borrowed from Chris Sanchez)


Van Dyke or Callitype on newspaper

Callitype with watercolors

Callitype with Oil Pastels

Van Dyke

Ziatype with watercolors

These are some of the photos that I made in my alternative process photo class at AIB... hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them :-)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Grammy and Sister

For portraiture, I decided to chronicle a day in the life of my grandmother. She is staying with my family and me for the summer, and so since I don't get to see her very often, I thought it would be a nice thing to do (plus, I needed to shoot two rolls of film relatively quickly... but you didn't hear that from me...).
And for good measure, I added into the mix a print of my sister that I thought turned out well.
Enjoy! :-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Take Two...

Hey, guys! So my last blog got messed up, so this is baisically the same blog, same me, only different web address! Enjoy the photographs!

Black and White Prints

These are some of my black and white film prints from this past year, and include various portraits and still-lifes. Hope you like them! Note: The pictures may look darker than they really are on some computer screens.

AIB Prints

The Edge of Beyond

Twilight of the Dead

Air Guitar

This summer, I am taking two different classes in different photographic mediums- Black and White Film Portraiture and Alternative Photographic Processes (also known as Alt. Pro.). These are all of the prints I have so far from Portariature, and I am pretty proud of them!