Saturday, October 31, 2009

So for my birthday this year, I got the best thing any photo geek could ever ask for... a new camera! No, it was not a super-sleek Nikon or a Cannon, instead, it was a Holga! It's the best freaking toy camera ever, and it's only like $20. I enjoyed taking these pics very much, and I hope you like them :-)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Meine Güte! It appears as though I'll be traveling with my school's Prague 2010 Program this Spring! Excitement does not even BEGIN to cover how I feel about this...! Since I'll be visiting Prague, Amsterdam, and Berlin, I suppose I'd better brush up on my Czech, German, and Dutch!

Anyway, I'm telling you this to make a promise (to which you can hold me):
I do solemnly swear to produce AT LEAST five good pictures from EACH city I visit, and post them on this blog.

Look forward to seeing these pictures in the future, because I definately look forward to TAKING them!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This morning, I was getting ready to leave my house when, whilst eating my breakfast consisting of a slice of a raspberry danish and some apple cider, I noticed this beautiful sunset peeking through the window at me. I grabbed my camera and ran out into the freezing cold to take these pictures, so, seeing as I froze my behind off, you had better enjoy them...!
Anyways, on another note, I have started to watermark my pictures. This means that it will be a lot harder to steal my work.
So, don't do it.
Just don't.

Friday, October 16, 2009

"Burial at Thebes" Headshots

I had the opprotunity recently to do the headshots for my school's upcoming production of "Burial at Thebes," a version of "Antigone." I was really lucky to have this chance to work with some very talented, nice, and gorgeous actors and actresses... I just hope they're happy with the results :-)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Black and White Film: Paulina

So, these are the film pictures I took of my gorgeous friend, Paulina, when my camera broke, and I had to go digital (which didn't turn out to be such a bad thing). To see the digital pictures, scroll down for a bit :-)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The City That Never Sleeps... (And Why See)

(My personal favorite ^)

Mmkay... so in case y'all (yes, I did in fact just say "y'all") haven't figured it out, "And Why See" is the equivilant of "NYC". When I was little, I thought NYC was code for "And Why See." But rweally, when your in New York, what's not to see? I went to Greenwich (which I always thought was spelled "Grenige") Village for the first time, and I absolutely fell in love. It is so chill, and the people are all so kind and easygoing. It was a thing of beauty.
I adore New York. All the sights, sounds, smells blending together- when I see a place like that, where all kinds of life is interwoven so seamlessly, I can't help but want to be a part of it. I feel special just being, and that is what I think makes New York particularly incredible.